About Julie


Hello, and welcome! Thank you for your interest in my work. I am so glad that you found my space in the digital world.

I have been where you are. With a comfortable, inherent knowing that there is more to life than what we can see, feel and touch. I also thought that everyone could see life and situations with the same clarity with which I could see. I had not yet heard about the gift of Claircognizance – the ability of “clear knowing” - so I did not recognize, or know yet, that it was one of my innate gifts. We all have innate gifts waiting to be acknowledged, and when they are nurtured, they blossom into their full power to guide and assist us in our process of remembering who we truly are.

For me, knowing that there is more to life than only the visible reality, was just a comfortable understanding that I did not need to question, investigate or try to figure out – “it just is”, is how I saw it - and I carried on chasing the things that so many of us believe are the keys to happiness and which defines us as well as bolsters our self-value and self-worth; I call them the 3-A’s: accomplishments, accolades and acquisitions.

Of course, chasing misguided dreams or someone else’s dream for that matter, will take a toll on our emotional and physical bodies. Because I was very open to energy medicine and natural medicine, I was a client of Reiki treatments for many years. I had this inner guidance system that would give me a “nudge” that my system was near overwhelm and it was time to bring my physical, emotional and energy bodies back into balance. This was my inner guidance helping me to stay healthy energetically, mentally and physically; and I just trusted that guidance. This is what helped me, for many years, to stay strong and steady through very stressful jobs and life situations.

When I felt the calling to learn how to work on my own healing, I was again guided to the path of shamanic energy medicine and energy healing trainings such as the ancient Medicine Wheel and also the Akashic Records; I was simply following an inner calling to work on my own healing. It was a soft and gentle calling, much like the guidance on when it was time for a Reiki session. Again, I just trusted my guidance. Simultaneously, I was still actively chasing the popular dream of starting and running a successful business. However as I delved more deeply into my own inner shadow work and healing, it started to become undeniably clear that this is the work I came here to do. So I chose to answer the call of Great Spirit and say “yes” to being in and of service with the work I am now doing.

I have studied to be a practitioner of several energy healing modalities, however I have found that the Akashic Records and the Rites of the Munay-Ki are fully comprehensive healing “systems”, and they are also powerful methodologies for exploring Consciousness and more importantly, the wisdom teachings and tools (practices) empower us to awaken and strengthen our connection with our own inner healer and wisdom source.

As a certified teacher and practitioner for both the Akashic Records and the Rites of the Munay-Ki, I am honored to share these wisdom teachings and techniques with you.

I look forward to meeting you in sacred circle where together we can experience and witness the magical transformations that these sacred teachings and practical methodologies offer.