“The Akashic Records brings us to that point of clarity where Healing happens.”
Julie Genereux
The term Akashic Records has been popularized over the last century and in modern times by well-known mystics, sages and new-age practitioners. However, the Akashic Records is neither a new modality nor a new-age novelty or phenomenon. Throughout history, sociocultural and religious groups have openly referred to these sacred records by various names and terms.
Akasha is a Sanskrit term which loosely translates as space and Primary Substance - that out of which all things are formed. The Akashic Records is the unified field of recorded occurrences and experiences and has long been the source of Wisdom and Creative, or divine, inspiration and information for Sages and Wise Elders. Today, contemporary scientists and physicists acknowledge the existence of a universal information field. In his book “Science and the Akashic Field”, well known physicist and author Ervin Laszlo refers to the Akashic Records as “nature’s information-field in the quantum vacuum”.
Discovering how to accurately and effectively access your own records is a very empowering and liberating experience and with the proper tools and training, accessing your Records will not be hit-or-miss. Join me for the next training program starting on May 7th, 2025. Take advantage of a special discount by pre-registering before March 30th, 2025. Click here to register at the reduced rate, or if you have questions about the program, click here to schedule an informational chat.
Whether we think of it from a scientific or a spiritual perspective, the Akashic Records is a living body of information and is the field of absolute Truths (does not change, no matter what I think or believe). It is the living history of our universe and all of life within it, and carries information from and about our human experience, including each soul’s karmic history.
Within the vast library of the Records of all that is, each individual has their own personal Records. Our personal Akashic Records are the chronicles, or the recording of our soul’s experiences and journeys since its inception – since leaving its point of origin - and across time and space, including our current life experiences. This living, dynamic body of information affords us the ability to access the wisdom of our Soul truths and the true nature of reality.
The Akashic Records is not a tool for prediction and forecasting. Our lives are dynamic and ever-changing and our experiences are crafted through our creative power of Choice. Life is a creative process that is meant to be fulfilling and joyful. Learning how to consciously engage in this creative process helps us to see and experience the beauty of life and to create a meaningful and enjoyable experience for yourself, those around you and those whose lives you touch.
As an energy healing modality, the Akashic Records helps us to clear the veils of illusions that color our perceptions which influences the way we see and experience ourselves and the world around us. Our Akashic Records allow us to connect with our Soul truths so we can clear the karmic influences and erroneous beliefs that leads to unhealthy choices and self-sabotaging patterns. With this clarity, we grow in self-awareness and experience an expansion of consciousness. We are fully grounded and empowered in our lives to create the beauty we wish to see in our lives and beyond.
As with any energy healing modality, there are protocols and processes for accessing the Akashic Records which ensure that we transcend the limitations of our ego minds and our fears so we can access the purity and infinite wisdom of divine truths contained in our Records. Click here to read more about my Akashic Records training program.
In these times of great transformation and exponential growth and change across all areas of our universe, we have the opportunity to evolve in our personal growth and expansion - or refinement of consciousness. As we place our focus on our inner work of self-awareness, self-realization and spiritual growth, this realm of divine truths is a powerful resource to assist us in our healing, growth and enlightenment.
If you have questions about the program, schedule a free informational chat by clicking the button below.